Past Crew

Known Crew of  ML 1085


Crew berthed at Portland




















TLtCdr      Harry Mannix Nees RNZNVR TLt, 31/1/41 11th ML Flotilla 22/9/41 (230?) 24th ML Flotilla 3/43 ML 230 MID 1942

TLtCdr    ML 1085 3/45 DSC 1945


Other Officers


TLt         Kenneth Metcalfe Banks RNVR TSLt HMS St Christopher for MLs 25/8/41 TLt 8/10/42 HMS Iron Duke for MLs 11/42 Commanding Officer ML 1085 8/1/43 Birthday Honours 1945 MID

TSLt       E T Melly RNVR TSLt 26/8/43 150th ML Flotilla ML 1085 11/44

Crew of A324 in 1952
































POEng     Jack Jacob Cotton LT/KX160104 HDML 1085 Birthday Honours 1945 MID


L/S            Alfred Ernest Prigmore (C)/JX 660495 (SML 324 attached to HMS Scott)